
Since the pandemic we have permanently changed our delivery/pick up procedures. We are now contact less and you do not need to be physically present for either. For delivery we will leave them outside your front door, in your carport, garage, with the concierge, etc. You do not need to meet the driver at your home but he will need to be able to reach you by text/call the morning of your delivery. Please provide a cell that you can receive text messages on and please do not provide a land line as we will send you a text initially early in the morning. At that time please reply to the driver and let him know you’re all set to receive the boxes and if there are any special instructions as to where to leave them or if he needs access info like gate/door/elevator codes please provide those at this time. If he can not reach you or can not access the building we may have to reschedule to the next available date which may not be the following date. There would also be a $25 missed delivery fee charged to the card on file. Also, please note that we do not deliver to back yards, side yards or inside your home.

For pick up, just leave the boxes outside your front door, car port, garage, concierge, etc. and when the driver contacts you that morning let him know that they are ready to go. You do not need to be present for the pick up as long as we have access to the boxes. If we need gate/door/elevator codes to gain access to your building please provide that info when our driver contacts you. The same situation applies here, if we can’t reach you by phone or access your building to get the boxes we would have to reschedule to another day that may not be the next day and there would be $25 missed pick up fee. Unfortunately we are not able to retrieve the boxes from your back yard, side yard or from inside your home.

Due to insurance constraints, our driver is not allowed to enter your home to deliver or pick up the boxes. All boxes will be placed outside your front door/garage/carport/etc. For pick up all boxes will be picked up from outside your front door/garage/carport/concierge/etc.

We want to make sure that the process is as painless and simple as possible for you but communication is key so please make sure that we have a good cell number to reach you at and that you reply to our drivers’ message on the morning of your delivery/pick up.